Thank you for your appraisal request!

Thank you. Our experts will now assess the information you provided and give you a valuation. We will contact you shortly either by email from or by phone.

What happens next?

    Once you have received the valuation, bring your item to one of our shops. Our contact details can be found here. You will need to bring a valid ID with you together with the item you wish to pawn. You will receive the money immediately either in cash or by bank transfer.

What is a valuation?

    Our valuation is the amount of money that we can lend you against your item. We keep the item as a pledge for the loan. We will give it back to you when you pay off the loan. You can also give up your item altogether.

Why Helsingin Pantti?

    As the market leader, we can offer you the best expertise in the field. We employ a team of experienced experts in various specialist fields, which ensures that we always give our customers a reliable valuation and the best possible price for their items.

We hope to see you soon.

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